Research Grant Opportunity: Human and Animal Political Ecology in Central Kalimantan

The Anthropology Department of Universitas Gadjah Mada is offering two thesis research grants for projects to be conducted at the former site of the Sawah Sejuta Hektar project in Central Kalimantan. Field research will take place from April to May 2025 (one month). The research topics are as follows:

Buffalo Rearing in Swamps (Bubalus bubalus)
In the swamp areas of Central Kalimantan, local farmers raise swamp buffalo, known as hadangan, which graze in the water during the day and return to their pens in the evening. These buffaloes are well-adapted to the swampy environment, skillfully swimming and feeding on aquatic plants. The research aims to explore how hadangan adapt to the swamp’s environment, the social relations involved in their care, and the symbolic values that emerge from this practice. Key questions include: Can the rearing of hadangan help maintain the swamp ecosystem? How does the economic distribution of hadangan breeding impact local farmers?

Freshwater Fisheries in Swamp Areas
Freshwater fishing is an important economic activity for farmers in Central Kalimantan. Farmers catch fish in rivers, fatten them in floating cages (karamba), and semi-naturally raise fish in tidal ponds (beje). This research will focus on fish farming in beje ponds, aiming to uncover how farmers adapt to the swamp environment, the social relations that regulate access to ponds, the distribution of pond harvests, and the symbolic values that arise from this economic activity. Key research questions include: Does fish farming in beje positively contribute to the swamp ecosystem? How do farmers develop social institutions to maintain the swamp ecosystem?


  1. Anthropology undergraduate students (semester 6 or higher) who are ready to write a thesis.
  2. Must have passed the MPE and PPE courses (and have taken the TPL course).
  3. Able to demonstrate the field research results of the TPL.
  4. Submit a 500-word research proposal.
  5. The research proposal and TPL field data must be sent to


  1. At the end of the research, students are expected to collect ethnographic data through participatory field observation, resulting in a report of 100-150 pages (Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spacing).
  2. Students will write their thesis based on the field research data, from July to August 2025.

The grant covers:

  • Transportation costs from Yogyakarta to Palangkaraya (return trip).
  • Living expenses during the field research, amounting to IDR 6,000,000.
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