Following up on the results of the Anthropology Master Thesis Proposal Seminar on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, we attach the results of the distribution of the list of thesis mentoring students.
Pembagian Mahasiswa Bimbingan Tesis Hasil Sempro S2 Antro Gasal 24
Some things to note
The Graduate School of International and Area Studies (GSIAS) at HUFS embodies the innovative ideas and fresh perspectives cultivated over the years at our institution.
We cordially invite scholars and promising students from anthropology and other social sciences with a keen interest in Indonesia to participate in our workshop on current trends in Indonesian Anthropology.
NewsResearch ScholarshipScholarships Thursday, 8 August 2024
Setelah berjalannya program Sekolah Lapangan Universitat Wien pada bulan Mei 2023 dan berdasarkan makalah laporan, hasil evaluasi kerja, dan komitmen selama program, komisi penilai memberikan nilai tertinggi kepada:
Untuk selanjutnya akan melakukan proses aplikasi dan pemberangkatan ke Wina.
AcademicsNewsScholarships Tuesday, 27 February 2024
Bersama ini kami sampaikan hasil kerja komisi seleksi terhadap mahasiswa peserta program Riset Tandem Freiburg 2024.