International Workshop: Current Trends in Indonesian Anthropology

International Workshop:

Current Trend in Indonesia Anthropology

We cordially invite scholars and promising students from anthropology and other social sciences with a keen interest in Indonesia to participate in our workshop on current trends in Indonesian Anthropology. This gathering aims to foster a dynamic environment for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and curriculum innovation. By bringing together leading experts and emerging researchers, we seek to deepen our understanding of current issues and challenges as well as their historical dimensions that Indonesian societies as well as the nation state have dealt with. The workshop will provide a platform to share cutting-edge research findings, explore innovative methodologies, and discuss pedagogical approaches that effectively address the complexities of Indonesian society. Participants will have ample opportunities to network with colleagues, build lasting collaborations, and contribute to the development of a robust anthropological curriculum. We believe that this workshop will not only advance our scholarly knowledge but also have a tangible impact on Indonesia’s social and intellectual landscape.

The workshop consists of two panels followed by group workshops:

    • Current trends in Indonesian anthropology (projects, research, publication)
    • New teaching methods, learning system, and curriculum
    • Group workshops

Opening Lectures:

“Participatory Digital Ethnography Learning System”
by M. Zamzam Fauzannafi, Elan A. Lazuardi, Sita Hidayah

“Hand in hand: collaborative fieldwork and dissemination among/between Austria and Indonesia”
by Gabriele Weichart, Daniela Paredes de Grijalva

Time : 12 September 2024, 09.00 – 16.00
Place : Soegondo Building, 7th Floor, Room 709

Registration and application:

Please register by 2 September 2024 if you would like to present your current project/publication or to introduce your creative pedagogical approaches.
Please prepare your 500-words abstract. To register your interest, visit:
*Enrollment does not include accommodation and transportation.

Contact: Sita Hidayah (, Departemen Antropologi FIB UGM (

Organizing committee
● Universitas Gadjah Mada: Departemen Antropologi, Sita Hidayah, Elan Lazuardi
● University of Vienna: Gabriele Weichart, Daniela Paredes de Grijalva

This workshop is part of the 60 years anniversary Department of Anthropology UGM (07-09 September 2024)

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