The opportunity to attend the series of lectures "Forestry and Plantations in Southeast Asia" by the University of Hamburg, Germany

Pemberitahuan kepada mahasiswa Program Studi S1, S2, & S3 Antropologi UGM,

Departemen Bahasa dan Budaya di Asia Tenggara, University of Hamburg membuka kesempatan kepada siapapun yang tertarik dengan isu perhutanan dan perkebunan di Asia Tenggara untuk mengikuti rangkaian kuliah daring mulai akhir bulan Oktober hingga awal bulan Desember. Berikut pengantar untuk rangkaian kuliah tersebut:

“Focusing on continental Southeast Asia, especially the Central Indochinese Highlands from the perspectives of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, the seminar and lecture series explores the interplay of the plantation industry and deforestation, the dynamics of land use, and possible solutions for environmental protection in the area. Are there holistic, effective methods to avoid the complete loss of natural tropical forests in this biodiversity-rich area or are they doomed to disappear?

To discuss these topics from different perspectives, the seminar includes a number of guest lectures from experts of ecology sciences, geography, and sociology.”


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