Graduate Thesis Exam Submission File Requirements

  1. 3 copies of thesis script that has been approved by Thesis Guidance Lecturer (DPS)
  2. A Latest Academic Transcript Sheet (request in academic Faculty)
  3. 3 sheets of color photo passes measuring 3×4 cm.
  4. A Latest SPP-BOP/UKT Proof of Payment Sheet
  5. A Latest Semester KRS Sheet
  6. Phone number that can be contacted to inform the exam schedule.


Thesis Exam Submission Procedure

  1. All of the above conditions are submitted to the Secretariat of the Anthropology Department.
  2. At least once a day confirm to the Department about the plan of implementation of the exam, for example matching the day, date and hour of the ability of the three teams of examiners-guidance-chairman and main examiners. Confirmation is better done in the afternoon around 15:30 WIB.
  3. The day before the exam, come to the administration to make a news file of the exam event and confirm whether the room for the exam has been booked.
  4. On the day H, prospective examinees are expected to come to the Department (attendance presence), then to the exam room that has been prepared. It is expected that prospective participants come 1/2 hour before the exam starts.
  5. No need to bring snacks/parcels for testers (optional).


Judicial Filing File Requirements

  1. Judicial application letter*
  2. Transcript for Temporary**
  3. Form of elimination of elective courses that have been approved by DPA and Kaprodi (if any courses are removed)**
  4. Checklist of courses in accordance with the curriculum of the study program (will be checked and equipped with academic sections)*
  5. The heregistration history of the simaster that shows the student is actively enrolled in the semester of judicial registration and the nominal Pay column must be equal to the Obligations column*
  6. Certificate of New Student Successful Learning Training (PPSMB)
  7. Free letter from FIB UGM library*
  8. Receipt of submission of thesis pdf file to FIB UGM library*
  9. Receipt of submission of thesis pdf file to study program (mandatory)*
  10. Certificate of graduation requirements*
  11. The affidavit (stamped) does not have the responsibility of book loans in libraries throughout UGM and laboratory tools in UGM*
  12. AcEPT test participant card that has been signed by supervisors and stamped ugm Language Center or AcEPT test scores at the beginning of admission as a student (can be seen on the language center web).
  13. Thesis title form*
  14. Cover thesis in Indonesian
  15. Cover thesis in English
  16. SLTA degree
  17. Birth certificate and certificate of diploma writing (if there is a difference in data on the SLTA degree)*
  18. KTP (Identity Card)
  19. KTM (Student Id Card)
  20. KHS which number of credits per semester is more than 24 credits (if any)**
  21. College leave letter (if ever on college leave)
  22. Affidavit (if the student’s photo is wearing a headscarf)*


* the file can be accessed via the link in the next section at point no. 4

** files can be requested/taken care of to the academic section of the faculty


Judicial Submission Flow S1

  1. Enrolling as a judicially eligible student by sending a transcript of the grade to the fib@ugm.ac.id email (subject: name prodi_permohonan eligible yudisium_NIU_nama student) with the provisions: the value of all compulsory courses at least C including KKN and thesis; the number of credits 144-149; no E grade; and the number of elective courses with a grade of D is not more than 25%.
  2. Collect judicial files no later than the 15th of each month (files entered in folders). If the 15th coincides with a holiday, Saturday, or Sunday, then the file is collected the following Monday.
  3. After the judicial process at the Faculty level is completed, please fill out the graduation data form at SIMASTER. The charging guide through the Judicial Information System and SIMASTER Graduation can be downloaded here.
  4. For softfile judicial files can be downloaded here.

 During the maximum activity restrictions on campus in the framework of emergency response against covid-19, all judicial files and S1 graduations are sent in the form of softcopy / scan to email akademik.fib@ugm.ac.id. While specifically for the original KTM and 2 pieces of black and white photo fitting size 3×4 sent by post / go-send / similar / directly to the Academic Section of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM, Jalan Nusantara 1 Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281 and written about graduation file S1.