Call for Application Master Research Scholarship BiPoN – Uni Köln 2021/2022

Diberitahukan kepada mahasiswa program magister, Departemen Antropologi UGM bekerja sama dengan BiPoN – Uni Köln membuka kesempatan riset master dengan topik:

  • “Indigenous” Rice Varieties: Cultural and Nutritional Values
  • Integrating Oil Palms in diverse agroforesty systems

Pendaftar yang diterima akan memperoleh 350,00 €/bulan selama periode 6 bulan. Ongkos peralatan atau perjalanan terkait dengan riset dapat diklaim separuh.


  • a detailed CV
  • the latest transcript of records
  • and a letter of motivation (not longer than 1 DIN A4-page) explaining the candidate’s preference for max. two of the projects outlined in this call.
  • Accepted candidates are expected to participate in the monthly BiPoN meeting that takes regularly place on the first Friday of the month, 10 am.
  • Please note: In the light of uncertainties to do with ongoing travel restrictions, we explicitly also encourage applications of students from our partner universities who would like to pursue field research in their home countries.

Informasi lebih detail tentang program dan pendaftaran silakan kunjungi laman

Deadline pendaftaran: Persyaratan dikumpulkan dalam bentuk single document ke Tanja Theißen ( sampai 28 November 2021.

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