UGM-UiA-ALU Tandem Research Program 2018

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitetet i Agder, and Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg are pleased to announce a Tandem Research Program scholarship. We are looking for students who are willing to be a part of Tandem Research Team. Each team consists of two students from our partner universities, and one from Universitas Gadjah Mada to conduct research in five different areas in Indonesia.

The optional themes are:

  1. Sustainable development, with a focus on biomass energy (1 B.A. student)
  2. The relationship between central and local government in terms of implementation of
    environmental policies (1 B.A. student)
  3. Tobacco plantations (2 B.A. students)
  4. Sustainable palm oil production (2 B.A. students)
  5. Nike and CSR in Indonesia (2 B.A. students)
  6. Credit Union in rural Indonesia (1 M.A. student)
  7. Waste practices in the waste bank Gardu Project in Parangkusumo (1 M.A. student)

Each student will be given sufficient funds for transportation and living costs for 2 months (B.A. students) and 3 months (M.A. students). This project outcome must be in form of BachelorThesis and Master Thesis.

Apllication Requirements:

  • Proficient in English
  • Able to work in team
  • Submit 250 words research plan/abstract in English, send to
  • Deadline: January 1, 2018
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