UGM-UiA Tandem Research Program 2019

Department of Global Planning and Development Studies, Universitetet i Agder and Department of Anthropology, Universitas Gadjah Mada are pleased to announce Tandem Research Program 2019.

We are looking for B.A and M.A students willing to be a part of tandem research team with UiA students. Each team consists of two students to conduct fieldwork in several areas in Indonesia.


Optional Theme:

  • 2 students

Child labor in tobacco cultivation

  • 2 students

Religous/cultural perceptions of mental health

  • 3 students

Female labor in clothing industry

– 2 students

Tourism development and environmental issues

  • 1 student

Plastic pollution

  • 1 student

Palm oil industry and deforestation in the Indonesian rainforest

  • 2 students

Gender roles, reproduction health among female youth

  • 1 student

Women and local knowledge in community-based disaster management



–      Fluent in English, oral and writing

–      Willing and able to work in team

–      250 words research plan in English

–      Completed 5th semester for B.A students

–      Completed 2th semester for M.A students

–      Deadline: November 30, 2018


Each student will receive research grant covering living cost and transportation for 2 months (B.A students) and 3 months (master students)


This project outcome is bachelor or master thesis

Send your application to:

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