Department of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam is announcing the vacancy and full-funded PhD position on “Contested Epistemologies of Sustainability” Led by Dr Catherine Wong and Dr. Jaron Harambam, in this project we examine how climate change and the foundational ways of knowing are contested in two radically different contexts: indigenous communities in South/Southeast Asia and conspiratorial communities in Europe.
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Komunitas Editor Budaya Indonesia
NATIV MTU adalah sebuah lembaga non-profit yang memiliki misi untuk melestarikan budaya dan cerita rakyat dari seluruh dunia, termasuk tentunya pelestarian dan penyatuan keindahan dan keragaman budaya Indonesia.
Department of Geography, National University of Singapore (NUS) is seeking to hire ONE interpreter proficient in Bahasa Indonesia on a contingent basis to assist in the team’s interview field research.
Pusat Studi Pedesaan dan Kawasan (PSPK UGM) membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan Antropologi sebanyak empat orang untuk menjadi asisten peneliti lapangan di empat provinsi di Indonesia.