Erasmus+ Student Mobility Program 2018

Join the Erasmus+ Student Mobility Program (University of Agder and Universitas Gadjah Mada).

Student exchange and doing fieldwork for thesis in Norway for 3 BA and/or MA Anthropology students in any composition during Fall/Spring semester 2018/2019. The students will take 5 months course work (Fall semester 2018/19), and 5 months fieldwork in Norway and thesis writing (Spring semester 2018/19) at the Department of Global Development and Planning University of Agder.

BA course work:

  • UT-203: Comparative regional analysis (10 ECTS – fall)
  • UT-204: The Global Challenge: Natural Resources and Climate Change (10 ECTS – fall)
  • ME-107: Qualitative methods for field work and practice (10 ECTS – fall)
  • UT-200: Field work (15 ECTS – spring)
  • UT-201: Bachelor thesis (15 ECTS – spring)

MA course work:

  • UT-407: Mobility, place, identity (10 ECTS)
  • UT-405: Management in Sustainable Development: theories and concepts (10 ECTS)
  • SV-401: The Nordic Welfare State in a Comparative Perspective.
  • UT-505: Master thesis in Global Development and Planning (40 ECTS)


  1. Completed 6th semester for BA students
  2. Completed 2th semester for MA students
  3. Fluent in English, oral and writing
  4. Submit 250 words research plan to

Deadline: March 5, 2018



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