Dr. Mohamad Yusuf, M.A.
Dr. Mohamad Yusuf, M.A. is a teaching staff in the Tourism Studies, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). He completed a Bachelor's degree in the Department of Islamic Law, Cirebon State Islamic Institute in 2002, then later in 2005 received a Master's degree from the Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies, UGM. His doctoral program was taken from 2009-2016 in the field of Empirical Religious Studies at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The focus of his research is related to tourism studies, religious studies, religious anthropology, and religious education. Some of his research experiences include Evaluating Undergraduate Tourism Curriculum in Indonesian Universities and Analyzing People's Attitude towards Sustainable Tourism in the City of Yogyakarta in 2016 and also Religious Education in Public School Public in 2014. He often produces publications in academic journals, for instance, Journal of Empirical Theology; Al-Albab: Borneo Journal of Religious Studies; Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies; Journal of Indonesian Society as well as Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies; Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education.
Curriculum Vitae (2012-2017)
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