Master Research Scholarship 2019 – Vienna, Austria

Christmas in Europe is celebrated as a happy event for everyone across social classes, ethnicities, nationalities and religious denomination. For thousands of years it has been a tradition for towns and cities to stage Christmas market, that last for six weeks. People comes with families or friends to enjoy merry atmosphere from evening to night, seeing what are in offers in the market stalls or having warm meals and sipping the famous gluchwein.
What do these all means to the revelers? What are structures that working behind the market and binding traders and buyers together? Who are the buyers, who are the traders? Further curiosities and questions are welcome …

Expand your horizon, doing fieldwork in foreign lands

Send your English research abstract to win the scholarship to

Word count: 1250 words
Location: Vienna, Austria
Date: October 2019 – January 2020 (11 weeks)
Eligibility: Master students, Dept. of Anthropology, FIB – UGM.
Scholarship: Return ticket Jogjakarta – Vienna and 3 months living cost
Deadline: September 14, 2019

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